The Guernsey Blind Association was started in 1919 after the First World War when
Miss Florence Mary Richards and Miss Phoebe Evelyn Marrs formed a committee to
raise fund to educate on sight loss and also to encourage those with little or no sight
to 'live full and useful lives'. There are no barriers for accessing our services; you can
simply call, email or drop in to our Vision Support Centre. We are here to help anyone
and everyone effected by sight loss and also to support their friends, family or even
employees/teachers. We have a weekly Audio News service for those who can no
longer read the Guernsey Press to listen to current news locally. We work closely with
the Library signposting people to their free Audio Books service. We have a fully
stocked Resource Showroom showcasing the latest equipment and technology
specifically for those with sight loss. We are always here to listen to an individual or
families' concerns and provide appropriate pathways of care. We work closely with
many other local charities to support you in all aspects of your life from employment,
personal care, financially or practically. We also provide free Sighted Guide training to
raise awareness and support within the community. #WithoutUs thousands of local
people would struggle as a result of sight loss with potential social and financial
isolation. We are the only local Charity who focus on all aspects of promoting eye
health and support for all visual impairments from congenital (from birth) sight loss to
age related sight loss enabling everyone to live healthier, happier and more fulfilled